Create a new ebook from an existing work (.doc, .rtf, .wri ...)
EBooksWriter is an all-in-one tool for creating ebooks, so it is supposed you use it also for writing your ebook.
However you can import existing files, it's easy.
Just choose "File >New ebook importing .doc .rtf", then search for the file to import.
The program will import the file, divide it into different pages, and automatically create an index with links (same function as per "Insert >Contents..."). The automatic process is approximate, so you might need to do some cut & paste (to cut a section, highlight it, then CTRL+INS - i.e. press CTRL then the INS key; to paste, go to the destination page, destination position, then press SHIFT+INS).
You can see all imported pages by using the page number box at the bottom center.
If MSWord is correctly installed, you will be able to import several different formats.
If you see that you can just import "RTF" as format, be aware that any Wordprocessor can save a file in RTF format. From the word processor, just choose from the main menu "File" then "Save as..." (e.g. within MSWord), then in the pull down menu (that is usually on the bottom of the dialog) choose "RTF" or "Rich Text Format".
Of course you can also import text and images with the simple MS Windows copy and paste between different applications.
Sometimes it is useful also to paste a screen shot of another application: to do this, go to the application, press ALT+PrtScrn, then SHIFT+INS in EBooksWriter.
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