Create .mobi .epub .opf ebooks with ease
With EBooksWriter you can type, page, hyperlink and then pack your ebook as IDPF OPF (Open Packaging Format, OPS Open Publication Structure / OEB OEBPS standard), MOBI and/or EPUB file.
First of all you should see the “how to create and link pages” tutorial, in order to create/edit the ebook.
For test purpose, you may create a simple one-page work. Open EbooksWriter. Type something on the page. Use "File >Save ebook" to archive your work.
Then you can quickly save it as OPF, MOBI and EPUB (Kindle, Kobo, Android, iPad, Sony Reader, Palm, Macintosh, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile / CE, SymbianOS, iLiad, eBookMan, Blackberry, Mac OS X, Handheld PC and most smartphones...).
There is no effort: EBooksWriter can automatically save to these formats (under the hood your ebook - even the ebooks created with old versions of EBooksWriter - is automatically converted, no additional editing is needed). From the main menu, choose "File >Save .mobi .epub ebook (Kindle, Palm, Mac, iPad, iPhone, smartphones, handhelds, cell phones...)" and the Export dialog will be shown.
You can fine tune the options or simply press "Export" and the ebook file is created.
Please notice that the .mobi and .epub formats have some big limits: they do not support all the EBooksWriter features. Also some very basic things are not supported: say hot spots on images are not supported, frames (and most "special links") are not supported, and so nested tables, and some more advanced features. However EBooksWriter is already enabled to insert the things currently not supported, should future mobi/epub devices will support them.
Also please notice that if you have an old ebook created with EBooksWriter, you can open it with the current edition of EBW and save it to mobi/epub/opf without any effort (we promised this to you years ago, you will be instantly ready for new technologies, now we are delivering our promise; the same will happen with future versions of EBW, should more advanced formats will be available).
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