What is EbooksWriter?
EbooksWriter is the most advanced, yet easy-to-use, visual tools for managing Ebooks.
You can create an ebook with one click, with “File >Save SFX ebook”.
EbooksWriter’s intuitive easy-start environment requires no more technical skills than a common word processor, yet offers so much more! Styles, framesets, hot spot images, mouse over sensible images, colored tables, popup windows, and many other powerful features. The link browsing and management is very fast thanks to the innovative WYSIWYL™ visual interface. You work with a single document, for editing, archiving, publishing and even for searches and revisions.
The WYSIWYG editor gives you an incredible number of visual options. You can create frames with drag & drop.
Yes, when you start with EbooksWriter you feel immediately in control with the familiar word processor style tools:
The paragraph toolbar: note that you can use text styles just like in MS Word, and so ensure all your documentation has a consistent look and feel.
The format toolbar.
The page toolbar.
Other VisualVision good programs:
The professional fast and easy e-book creator builder compiler protector software - the great program for creating building making good ebooks