Ready for the future!
With technology changing almost daily, it is difficult to keep yourself updated: New file specifications; new formats. With EbooksWriter you don't need to worry about these changes. EbooksWriter is designed to be future-proof and accept updates to support any future file format.
You can relax in the knowledge that the future is taken care of, and concentrate on the content of your ebook. We will set up a file generator for any new popular technology or format, and will release a new software version.
We already fulfilled this promise with .Mobi and .Epub, nowadays ebook standard formats, that we added to EBooksWriter as soon as they were invented (the first version of EBooksWriter was invented years *before*!). So you can rely on us!
Furthermore, if you want to "export" your pages to create a Web site, a CD, an HtmlHelp or WinHelp system, this can also be easily achieved by simply getting HyperPublish.
Take advantage of our great offers (you save $30 or more on all the versions!) and be productive in minutes. [electronic edition, click here] [on CD, click here] [Espańol] [Italiano]
Main functions in a few simple steps [click here]
Any question? See the frequently asked questions [click here] or read the manual online [click here] or get the PDF manual [click here]
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Other easy software from Visual Vision:
*limited offer; US dollars;
EBooksWriter is a VisualVision product.