Shopping cart
EBooksWriter Gold includes a visual shopping cart facility for your EBooks (this is for inserting products within a ebook; e.g. you can distribute a business product catalog as a ebook). A click on a text block or on a image can be used to add a product in the shopping cart. This is useful if your ebook is actually (say) a product catalog.
The shopping cart is shown in a popup window: the window can be printed or its content can be sent to your email address.
To define the shopping cart properties use "
Hypertext >Current hypertext properties", then the "Cart" tab. To add a shopping cart link, you use the
Special Links. Highlight a text block and use "Insert >Link to shopping cart", or select an image and use "Image >Define special link..." (then last tab). Each link contains the product price, currency, description and the product code.
Please notice that the "Description" can not contain ' or " and the "Code" must be lowercase (numbers are allowed, except the first character).
The shopping cart properties window is shown above ("Hypertext >Current hypertext properties", then the "Cart" tab): you can define an email address (the cart content will be sent to that email), a fax number, a remark for users, and the color for the shopping cart rows.
The shopping cart will look like this:
Click here (while in preview mode) to add a 10$ article to the shopping cart.
You can also use images or buttons, like this
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