Quick start
Creating an ebook with EBooksWriter is really a snap!
Let’s open the software, then type some text:
we can easily highlight text blocks
then we can insert links between pages by using “Insert >Links” or “Insert >Special Links” (when you link, you have a "live" preview of all existing ebook pages; use "Insert >New page..." to add pages):
Ok let's say we created some pages and links.
Now let’s save the file, with “File >Save” (it saves all ebook pages and images in one “AEH” file).
Then with the main menu, "File"
File >Save SFX .exe ebook
you can save the ebook as compact .exe ebook
File >Save .mobi .epub ebook
you can save the same ebook as .Opf / .Mobi / .epub
There are several options, but just going on and pressing OK you immediately have a result.
That’s all. It’s really a snap!!!
At the end of the story, you have a compact file (either .exe or .aeh or .mobi or .epub) that you can distribute without royalties. See Frequent Questions for distribution questions, or you may see the user's forum and the topic about selling, marketing and distribution.
So, what are you waiting for? Click below and order EBooksWriter now!
Take advantage of our great offers (you save $30 or more on all the versions!) and be productive in minutes. [electronic edition, click here] [on CD, click here] [Español] [Italiano]
Main functions in a few simple steps [click here]
Any question? See the frequently asked questions [click here] or read the manual online [click here] or get the PDF manual [click here]
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EBooksWriter is a VisualVision product.